Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Child Abuse Prevention - 2380 Words
Child Abuse Prevention I. What is child abuse? Child abuse is a very sensitive issue that needs to by carefully handled. Child abuse is defined as a no accidental injury or pattern of injures to a child for which there is no reasonable explanation. Child abuse consists of different types of harmful acts directed toward children. In physical abuse, children are slapped, hit, kicked or pushed, or have objects thrown at them causing wounds, broken bones, or other injuries. Severe abuse may result in major injury, permanent physical or developmental damage, or even death. Emotional abuse involves humiliation, dishonoring or other acts carried out over time that terrorize or frighten the child. Sexual abuse consists of a wide†¦show more content†¦Sources of Reports Since 1990, statistics shown that 52% of the child abuse reports each year are made by Mandated Reporters. Mandated Reporters have the best opportunity to identify a child abuse problem before it becomes a statistic. A Mandated Reporter may be the only re sponsible adult in a particular childs life. How do you report child abuse? Reporting is a personal and individual responsibility for Mandated Reporters and may not be delegated. However, internal procedures on who makes the report can be established to facilitate reporting and apprising supervisors of the report, as long as the procedure is consistent with, and adheres to the mandates of the law. Internal procedures may be helpful in facilitating reporting when more than one Mandated Reporter observes the same child. For example, three emergency room nurses may tend to the same injured child, or after consultation, a teacher and a resource specialist decide that a report should be made. The internal procedure may stipulate that the person with the most first hand knowledge make the report, and/or the report is made jointly with all parties signing the report, and/or, If more appropriate, each party makes an individual report. If the designated person fails to make a report, the other Mandated Reporter(s) must follow-up and report. If a child comes to you, your job as a Mandated Reporter is to report whatShow MoreRelatedChild Abuse and Prevention1947 Words  | 8 PagesChild Abuse and Prevention Traci Ledford Axia College, University of Phoenix Utilizing Information in College Writing, Com 125 Lea Ann Douglas January 11, 2007 Child Abuse and Prevention . Child abuse is a growing problem and prevention education is the key. There are more children being abused in the United States everyday. People need to learn the sign of abuse, when it is appropriate to report abuse, how to report abuse, and what to do to prevent future abuse. AccordingRead MoreAssessing And Prevention Of Child Abuse766 Words  | 4 PagesPreventing Child Abuse The definition of child abuse varies by state. 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Abuse and maltreatment of children have similar faces that may go unknown, silent or unseen. Is child abuse different from the today that n the past, which caused an increase of this type of abuse? Many children are unprotected form physical, sexual or emotional abuse, and by parents and friends. Is the problem with the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act that was passed to protect all children from abuse not been enforced? The way the worldRead MoreChild Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act1605 Words  | 7 PagesJoseph Meadowcroft Research Essay Composition 1 Childhood Abuse Every child will certainly have many life experiences before they are mature. A child is very susceptible when developing, at every corner there are dangerous things from the environment surrounding them which might seriously impact their entire life. 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Usually an individual with issues within themselves commit child abuse. Prevention of child abuse will never go away sadly approximately 896,000 American children were victims of abuse and neglect and 1,400 children died. Within the four areas, neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse and emotional abuse lies the problem . By working with the families and educate
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